Running a mainnet replica node
If you're looking to build an app or integrate your service with Rollux you'll need access to a Rollux node. You have two options - use a hosted node/RPC from providers like Ankr or run your own node. Most often it is best to use a RPC provider as this frees you from having to allocate resources to, and maintain, a node.
# Use a node/RPC provider
You can get free or premium RPC service from providers to get up and building quickly.
However, depending on the use case, sometimes running your own node is warranted.
# Set up your own Rollux peer-to-peer replica node on mainnet
# Hardware requirements
Replicas need to store the transaction history of Rollux and to run Geth. They need to be relatively powerful machines (real or virtual). We recommend at least 16 GB RAM, and an SSD drive with at least 100 GB free.
# Instructions
The process is fairly easy thanks to the Docker image we have available.
To get started, follow this guide (opens new window) with the following notes in mind:
Before running make
, do the following.
Edit configuration file ops-bedrock/docker-compose.rollux.yml
- Replace
- If you are running a load balancer, set
to specify its IP address for better peering - Set
. Contact Syscoin Foundation to get the {ipAddress} and your specific {peerID}.
Edit configuration file ops-bedrock/envs/p2p-node-rollux.env
- set
# Contact Syscoin Foundation for the IP and your PeerID, or for support
Reach out via any channels you already have with the Syscoin or Rollux teams.
If you have not yet communicated with Syscoin Foundation, you can reach them via this form (opens new window).