How do I get project support (marketing / integrations / etc.)?

... About 2 min

Welcome! We're thrilled you're launching on Rollux.

If you haven't filled out the get started form (opens new window) please do so prior to reading this.

We are excited for your deployment onto Rollux! You will be welcomed by a great community 🫂🫂. Make sure to jump into the #🔨│builder-general Discord (opens new window) channel ⚙️⚙️!

The business development team gets a flurry of inbound messages and contact requests every day and we reply to them as efficiently as possible, but we are only human! Please be patient if you are in need of direct support. We cannot always provide direct help, but we strive to help everyone succeed on Rollux through the various resources we provide to projects.

# Developer Support 🙋💻

Steps to take if you would like developer support immediately, ranked in order of response times.

  1. See our Developer Documentation and Tutorials (opens new window).
  2. Head over to 🤖│dev-support on Discord (opens new window) for the fastest help

# Brand Kit

Go here (opens new window) for the Rollux logos and branding guidelines you need for your project.

# Marketing Requests 🦸🦸

When your project is deployed on Rollux, you can be added to our ecosystem page (opens new window). Simply fill out this form (opens new window) to request to be included. Inclusion is at our discretion.

# Tweeting

We do occasionally retweet but we try to keep the bar high for these as our Twitter feed must be kept as valuable/high signal as possible. Other than RT's, we may like or reply to a tweet or include it in a development update or Syscoin might add it to the Syscoin Weekly blog+tweet. You're welcome to submit your tweet for amplification but please keep in mind if and how we interact with it is at our sole discretion.